We’ve moved Tea Time to a virtual session! Each Wednesday afternoon, there are eight 25 minute appointments available each from 3:00PM-7:00PM, and every third Tuesday of the month, there are three 25 minute appointments from 5PM-6:30PM available. Appointments are first come, first served, and are only available to Massachusetts Residents.

To sign up for Tea Time:

  1. If you are a new client, you must first fill out this intake form, and email it to Jesse Begenyi (LICSW).

  2. Using the calendar below, select a time you’d like to be seen.

  3. At the time of your appointment, please wait in our virtual BAGLY waiting room! When it’s time for your session, Jesse will invite you to begin.

These sessions are FREE and open to LGBTQ+ youth ages 25 and under. If you have any questions, email Jesse Begenyi (LICSW).